Monday, November 26, 2007

2nd Trimester

Today is the first day of 2nd trimester! It has been great getting to know all of my new students. I look forward to a fun couple of months with everyone. All students need to have their "health folder"- either a three ring binder or three clip folder- by Wednesday. It is important that students have these to stay organized and on top of things from the very beginning!

Also, parents should look for a parent letter coming home this week. Please sign and return them by Thursday.

Also, just a reminder: First trimester report cards come out on Tuesday!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week wraps up first trimester classes! Students have done an excellent job this trimester and I look forward to meeting my new classes on Monday. I hope that everyone has a happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

1st Trimester is coming to an end!

First trimester will be coming to an end on November 20th. There are alot of final tests and projects in the upcoming week in health class.

Sixth graders will be taking the "Body Systems" test on Tuesday. Everyone has received study guides and should be fully prepared! There will also be a final folder check on Tuesday.

Eighth graders will be wrapping up work in the "Gameplan" books. They will also be finishing the "Health Behavior Contract" project.

All students need to turn in late or missing work for partial credit by Friday.

Friday, November 2, 2007


This week was kind of crazy... I missed a few days due to my son being sick. All of my classes did an excellent job keeping up and being flexible! THANK YOU!!!

We will pick up with the body systems in sixth grade next week. Students should be making sure to stay organized with the MANY handouts they are being given.

The seventh graders will be taking their Drug and Alcohol Unit test on Monday. Students all have a study guide and should be able to fully prepare for the test. There will also be a folder check on Monday for seventh grade.

The eighth grade classes will be wrapping up the reproudctive systems unit. They will be given a study guide to work on in class and will have a test and folder check by the end of the week.

All students need to keep in mind that the end of the trimester is quickly approaching. All missing assignments need to get turned in ASAP!