Monday, March 17, 2008


We are in full swing for third trimester Health classes!

The sixth grade classes will continue our discussion on mental and emotional health. We will be focusing on "stress" this week and students will be doing a parent interview. The first test will be on Thursday. Students will get study guides in class and should be fully prepared for the test. In addition, the first major folder check will be Thursday. Students need to make sure their folders are organized and all pages are complete!

The seventh graders will be wrapping up Chapter 2 this week. We are discussing goals setting and decision making. The chapter quiz will be on Wednesday. In addition, there will be a folder check Wednesday in class.

Eighth graders are continuing on with the nutrition unit. The classes will be in the computer lab this week working on a diet analzying program. Students will complete a self-assessment and look for strengths and weaknesses in their daily diet.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 10, 2008

ISAT week!

ISAT week kicked off today. Health classes will continue but students will not be in class everyday due to testing!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Welcome to third trimester Health!

The new trimester started today! It's amazing how fast the school year is going by! All students will be receiving a parent letter that needs to be returned by Thursday. There is important information regarding my contact information and grading procedures. In addition, all students will need the proper "health folder" (a three ring binder or folder) by Thursday!

I'm hoping that everyone will be prepared with these items and start third trimester off on a good start!