Second trimester is off to a great start. I am enjoying working with all of the new students in my health classes!
The sixth grade classes have been working hard on the mental and emotional health unit. The "Family Coat of Arms" that they presented were very well done. The students are exploring their own personalities and seeing how their families have helped shaped the people they are today! We will not wrap up the first unit until after break so there will not be a chapter test until January.
The seventh graders are wrapping up their first unit this week. We have been discussing responsible decision making, goal setting and avoid health risks. Students were asked to create a list of short and long term goals that they have for themselves. The first test is tomorrow, as well as a folder check.
The eighth graders are continuing to work on the nutrition unit. We have started watching the movie "Supersize Me." Students are amazed to learn how bad eating fast food really is! Next week they will be in the computer lab doing their diet analyzing projects. The Nutrition test will not be until after the winter break.
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