Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome Back!

Hello! My name is Andrea Conley and I am your child’s health teacher this trimester. As an encore teacher, I have the privilege of working with many students for all three years that they attend Lakeview. This is my seventh year at the school and I love it here! I am a graduate of the health education program at Northern Illinois University and have a Master's degree in teaching and leadership from St. Xavier University. In addition, I am very involved in extra-curricular programs at Lakeview.

Many parents and students have questions and concerns regarding the sometimes “touchy” issues that my class covers. You are welcome to review the health curriculum by going to: Additionally, your child will be responsible for keeping up with a class folder. Feel free to take a look in their folder at any time for an update on our class work. I encourage discussions at home regarding the subject matter we are covering in class.

My late work policy is as follows:
*1 day late = 25% off the grade
* 2+ days late = 50% off the grade
* Students have until the end of the lesson/chapter/unit to turn in the assignment at which point the grade will become a 0 if not turned in.

If you have any questions or would like additional information at any time during the trimester, please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me. You can contact me at or 985-2700 x5013. Also, check out my blog if you get a chance! I post important class updates and information weekly. My blog site is:

I am looking forward to an excellent trimester working with your child!

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