Monday, September 21, 2009

illness prevention

Thank you to Mrs. Heckman, our district nurse, for speaking to health classes about illness prevention this week!

With the flu season approaching and the recent spread of H1N1, it is important to follow the tips that Mrs. Heckman shared with our classes. She said that in order to prevent the spread of illness, we should all take the following steps:

-make sure to get enough sleep
-eat healthy foods
-wash hands with warm soap and water as frequently as possible!
-if you sneeze, try to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your arm
-throw tissues away as soon as you use them
-use hand sanitizer if you are unable to wash your hands with soap and water
-do NOT share any type of food or drink with others
-avoid touching your face at any time

I hope that students are able to follow these steps in order to avoid as much illness as possible!

1 comment:

MaggieBrown said...

My child came home from school the other day saying that they learned to cough and sneeze into their elbow with Germy Wormie, and I was totally taken aback. I always covered with my hands. But I went to the website and now I get it, hands touch, elbows don't!! Kids can touch 300 surfaces in 1/2 hour and they hate to wash their hands. This is a simple thing that can make a huge difference.