Sunday, September 26, 2010


This week we are lucky to have Mr. Shilliga from the Township of Downers Grove presenting the Lifeskills program. The Lifeskills program is taught at all of the surrounding junior highs. It is a GREAT opportunity for students to learn skills for use in their every day lives.

The sixth grade program focuses on bullying. Students will learn what to do in situations where they are victims of bullying. They will also learn how to help friends and how to make sure they are not being bullies themselves.

The seventh grade program focuses on drug education. The presentation goes along wonderfully with the Lakeview drug education curriculum. The students will discuss what certain drugs do to the body. The focus will be on refusal skills and how to "Say NO."

The eighth grade program focuses on stress management and goal setting. Students will learn ways to relieve stress and how to prevent it from happening. They will also practice goal setting with an emphasis on preparing for high school.

The students should have a wonderful week! Please ask your child about the program and what they are learning :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mrs. Conley 9/17/10

Now that we are four weeks into the trimester, every student has had several grades entered into the gradebook. Parents should take an opportunity to review the grades and find out if the student is missing any work.

The sixth graders finished the unit on mental health this week and will begin a unit on physical health, hygiene and fitness next week.

The seventh grade classes are continuing on the tobacco unit.

The eighth graders will be wrapping up the nutrion unit. They will have the nutrition unit test on Wednesday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 13, 2010

We are in full swing in health classes. It has been a great start to the school year and I've enjoyed getting to know all my new students.

The sixth graders are in a unit on mental and emotional health. They are talking about stress and ways to reduce it.

The seventh grade students will be starting a unit on tobacco prevention this week.

The eighth grade classes are finishing a food pyramid project where they analyzed their daily diets. They will be watching the movie "Supersize Me" and discussing the issues of non-healthy eating in America.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Current health events

All students will be required to do a Current Health Events presentation during the trimester. Students have selected the date of their presentation. The presentations will begin next Friday. The requirements for this assignment are as follows:

Health information is constantly changing. It is important to keep current on news that will affect the health of ourselves and our families. This trimester, we will be sharing current health information with the class. Each student will be responsible for finding an article to summarize and share with the class. The following steps should be taken to complete this assignment:

1) Find a current health article! The article can be about any type of health information. Your article should come from one of the following sources: a newspaper, magazine or a reliable website such as, or
Be sure to cut out or print the article, it will need to be turned in with your summary!

2) Write a summary! The summary should explain what the article says, in your own words. You should be able to understand all of the words that you write in your summary! Please, don't write anything that you don't understand! In addition to explaining what the article is about, you should write a paragraph that explains your opinion on the topic. The summary needs to be typed (size 12, Times font, double spaced and at least 1 page long!)

3)Present your information to the class! You will be sharing your article and summary with the class on your assigned day. Make sure that you fully understand what the article is about so you can explain it to our class. Please keep your presentation to 2-3 minutes!