Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 31, 2013

Health Update:
The new rotation is going smoothly so far!

In sixth grade, students are studying the body systems.  They are very interested and excited to learn about all the systems of the body.  It's amazing what the human body can do!

The seventh grade students are covering the drug unit.  They are learning about the different categories of drugs and what they can do to the body (short and long term).  We have spent a lot of time discussing addiction and what exactly happens when a person becomes physically or psychologically addicted to a drug.

Seventh and Eighth grade classes will have unit tests and folder checks on Friday, February 8th before rotating back to PE.

The eighth graders have had an interesting week with the Amplify program.  They are learning a lot and have had many excellent questions and discussion.  Next week they will work on the Gameplan curriculum.  Look for parent interviews and discussions next week!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

8th grade Amplify Program

Next week, 8th graders in health will take part in the Amplify sexuality education program. The Amplify Program is designed to provide junior high school students with information and resources to properly deal with relationship issues before dating begins.  It is our sincere belief that properly educated adolescents are much more likely to make good decisions, develop healthy relationships and postpone involvement in sexual activity.

An information parent evening was held earlier in January.  If you would like more information about the program or if you were unable to attend the parent meeting, please email Mrs. Conley for more information!