Friday, March 18, 2011


One more week until Spring Break!

The sixth graders will have their first test on Thursday over chapter 1 of the text. This section covers different components of Mental Health. All students will receive a study guide and we will have time to review in class before the test.

The seventh graders will be working on the friendship and peer pressure unit next week. We are discussing what makes a good friend. Students will be writing an essay about their best friends next week.

The eighth graders are continuing with the nutrition unit. The have completed their diet anyalysis projects and next week we will be watching and discussing the film "Supersize Me."

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11th

Third trimester health is in full swing!

The sixth graders are starting with the mental and emotional health unit. They will be discussing stress next week and coming up with healthy ways to reduce stress.

The seventh graders are talking about habits and responsible decision making. They will have the chapter 2 quiz and folder check next Wednesday.

The eighth graders are in the middle of the nutrition unit. Next week we will be in the IMC working on a diet analyzing project. It will be interesting for the students to take a closer look at their daily diet!