Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's hard to believe there are only two weeks left in the school year! Today, we completed the week long Life Skills program presented by the Downers Grove Township. Next week we will begin to wrap up our units and prepare for final tests/projects.

The sixth graders will spend the final weeks learning about the changes they will experience on the road to adulthood.

The seventh graders are completing the alcohol and drug unit. There will be a unit review day on Tuesday, followed by the test on Wednesday.

The eighth grade classes completed their personal 'Life Goals' list this week. Ask your child to share with you their list. Many students put a lot of thought into this 'goal setting' activity. Next week they will be working on the "Teen Parent: Real World" project. Students will gain an understanding of how hard becoming a parent can be!

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

We are very fortunate to have a guest speaker from the Township of Downers Grove presenting the Lifeskills program to all the Health classes next week. The Lifeskills program is taught at all of the surrounding junior highs. It is a GREAT opportunity for students to learn skills for use in their every day lives.

The sixth grade program focuses on bullying. Students will learn what to do in situations where they are victims of bullying. They will also learn how to help friends and how to make sure they are not being bullies themselves.

The seventh grade program focuses on drug education. The presentation goes along wonderfully with the Lakeview drug education curriculum. The students will discuss what certain drugs do to the body. The focus will be on refusal skills and how to "Say NO."

The eighth grade program focuses on stress management and goal setting. Students will learn ways to relieve stress and how to prevent it from happening. They will also practice goal setting with an emphasis on preparing for high school.

The students should have a wonderful week! Please ask your child about the program and what they are learning :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday, May 8th, 2009

Health classes are going quite well and the students have transitioned well with me as their teacher. It has been a pleasure getting to know them on a daily basis.

Sixth graders will be completing the Body Systems unit next week with the final test on Friday the 15th of May.

Ask your seventh grader about the alcohol simulation activity we had in class today. Goggles were used to help the children simulate the affects of alcohol on the body while performing various activities. We will continue our unit of Drugs and Alcohol next week.

The eighth graders experienced the AWARE program this week during class. Many mature topics were discussed and many questions answered. I encourage you to talk with your child about what they learned this past week in class. The Reproductive Systems test will be on Tuesday, May 12th.