Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's hard to believe there are only two weeks left in the school year! Today, we completed the week long Life Skills program presented by the Downers Grove Township. Next week we will begin to wrap up our units and prepare for final tests/projects.

The sixth graders will spend the final weeks learning about the changes they will experience on the road to adulthood.

The seventh graders are completing the alcohol and drug unit. There will be a unit review day on Tuesday, followed by the test on Wednesday.

The eighth grade classes completed their personal 'Life Goals' list this week. Ask your child to share with you their list. Many students put a lot of thought into this 'goal setting' activity. Next week they will be working on the "Teen Parent: Real World" project. Students will gain an understanding of how hard becoming a parent can be!

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

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